aku dan semua di dunia

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Natcon II - the pre meeting

Aku nyampe jakarta kemaren, pake kereta turun di Jatinegara, trus naek M16 sampe Pasar Minggu, ini dikasi tau ama Mbak Dewi, Mbaknya Diah... Trus dari pasar minggu oper lagi deh naek 75, trus sampe di MC flat

Gila man...

Para faci tercinta udah pada dateng, mereka keren keren, sumpe deh.... Then kita keluar bareng buat nyari makan gitu, yeee kita makan nasi uduk di deket sini. Trus bis itu mereka ngelanjutin meetingnya, pokoknya MC and Faci ready to rock the Natcon....

Setelah pada pulang semuanya, sepi deh flat MC, aku ngobrol2 ama Damy about MC stuff and kita ngerasa kurang banget komunikasi, and kita ber2 berjanji kita bakalan improve komunikasi itu, since we know kita tinggal ber5 sekarang and so many things to do dan kita ngerasa kewalahan banget

Untung disamping kita masih banyak semangat anak anak AIESEC laen yang bener2 sayang kalo ilang, and itu bener2 ngasi semangat baru buat aku khususnya

Pagi ini udah pada kumpul lagi, trus mereka meeting lagi, thanks banget yah buat faci udah ngebantuin kerjaan MC, thanks berat. Trus ada 1 tamu spesial pagi ini, yeaaaeeehh itulah OFIE, dia VP Finance UD taon kemaren, which is my x VP when i was LCP.. ternyata rumahe itu belakang kompleks MC flat and taukan maksudnya apa "Kalo kelaperan tinggal kesana" hahahaha

Hufff... Besok udah conference lagi, mudah2an lancar deh... Mungkin ini bakalan jadi conference terbesar dengan 220 delegates dan 3 tracks...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Aku capek nih

9 november 2006

Kemaren adalah hari tercapek selama ngerasain jadi MC, seharian full nih ngurusin kerjaan MC, mulai dari finalie working paper buat internal auditor, nelepon fasi ILDS buat finance session, nelepon MC Internal Auditor sampe terakhir SG Chair Meeting.

Kemaren dikantor ujan deres banger, untung aja nggak pas kita pergi or kudu ngelakuin sesuatu diluar kantor, tai kemaren ada tamu lho, namanya sisca, anak Indo yang kuliah di Aussie n ikutan AIESEC disana, dan hebatnya doi jadi CEED MC di Tunisia gitu, kereeen…..

Then setelah itu kita kudu nunggu buat SG chair meeting gitu, mulainya setengah 7 alias 06.30 pm, seru abis…. Mr Amir bener2 ngasi buuuuaaaannyak banget ide and juga initiative gitu and it’s really things should be done by AIESEC Indonesia.

Selesai meeting jam setengah 10 bo’, takut nggak ada angkot, kita neak taksi deh, huaaaaa dari blok m ke pasar minggu naek taxi, and it cost 46.000 rupiah, aaaaaaahhhh tidak, hmm untungnya kita ber 5, hahaha 1 taxi diisi 5 orang, yanh biasalah kitakan ngeyelan, diisinya aku, tya (mc is), eva (mc pd), damy (mc er), and ryan (ap director).

Pagi ini aku masih ngantukkkk banget, tau ga tadi malem anak anak ga ada yang mandi lho abisnya udah pada kecapen kekekekek

Today I’ve to go back to Semarang, I miss all the stuffs there

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

the AIESEC International visit

his name is ryan, he is Asia Pacific Director of AIESEC Internationa, he is so cool, we called him Mr Trick, cos he gave us so many tricks hahahaha

its cool to meet him here and i also can share many things, better understanding about AIESEC International, MC Team update and opcourse new strategy, and its still about finance hahahahaahahaha

and the other things happened here, finally i saw the new office yeaaah, buttt it takes 1,5 hours at least to go there from current MC Office and we took bus 75 to go there... since i not oftern using bus in semarang, it's makes me feel strange to do that, waiting for 1,5 hours in traffict with long distance, huh if i could i will prefer to choose semarang

yups, but thats called learning and adaptation, also i have to adapt with eva and damy personality, the way of thinking and culture ( daily habbit )... yes, many things new from them, some possitives i can take, but some i can't

how about you there? have you feel any cultural shock in your life? share to me.....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

how hot surabaya

surabaya, im coming.... that was my shout when i was in travel went to surabaya. i arrived here 3rd morning directly to vania's home, wow she have a nice home, with a simple minimalis moderm style, hasn't finished the renovation yet but it's cool... full of purple

first day, i went to ubaya to visit @ office than had chat there, went for friday praying then went back again to vania's home together with US EBs to start the coaching

we started late around 1 hour so i have to be hurry coz i was planning to have online meeting with all VP Finance about Internal Auditor at 3pm... 3 pm was coming, me, yo and pw dropted by iin in warnet near petra ( one of private uni in surabaya also )

yeah.... as you can guess, it was cool have online with them, we learn about "cape deh" in many manner hahahaha

the at nite, i was accompanied by some eb to have dinner, we went to "sate testis", i dont know why they called this, no testis at all in this place, hahaha i just think, may be the owner like "it" hahahaha

then at 2nd day, i had full session, day and nite : AIESEC strategy, Branding and communication analysis, Marketing basd on new XP way and People Development PLanning

huaaa i wanna scream, this is the most hard day session i ever had in AIESEC coz i have to guide the session and use all my 100% of brain to think, but it was cool. and the result is we know the real problem happened in US. and we agreed to make one goal of this year coaching ( this is the one i dont like hahaha ), we have to make US People Development Plan based on US situation and @ XP guide

today is 3rd day, its time for all member gathering... they told me, we are going to have meeting in ZOO, yes, you right, do not ask anything... in ZOO... i just said, yeah yeah it would be my first experience have meeting in ZOO, we'll see about this

c u on next news, ciayoooooo