aku dan semua di dunia

Friday, October 28, 2005

Its my feel

Its hard to get stop from AIESEC, untill 5 days before lebaran im still doing all @ stuff. Now im in UPK being a king of UPK hahaha.... Create proposal for Junior Chamber International ( cool man ) about our Marketing Training and now creating for P BoX promotion tools

Yea yea yea its @, make me fall in love, make me feel sad, its not about the @ but its about the people, they are my 2nd family, full of creation, passion, and spirit to heading our future together

Crazy party, hard work, team conflict, and all other problem always happened her, but yeah its @, we learn from our mistaken, we can create our own world, trying to actualize our self, discover and develop our dream being an usefull people, not just for our parent but also our society

Its stiill long way
We should passed to reach our dream
To give our best for our life

Remember all the moment
Remember all the sadness
Remember all the passion
Remember all your friends face
You can feel the soul
We are flying together
Reach all of our dream dude

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


alhamdulillah banget nih, akhirnya tanggal 19 oktober 2005 di ruang sidang dekan FE Undip telah dilaksanakan penandatangan kerjasama antara AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Diponegoro dengan Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengambangan Ekonomi Syariah / LP2ES Daarut Tauhid Bandung dalam rangka program Global Eyes 2005

huh.... perjuangan yang berat sobat

dibela belain pas dibandung tidur di warnet 2 malem, bolak balik bandung berkali kali, sampe sakit segala pokoknya kita berhasil di titik awal ini

selanjutanya kita perlu usaha lebih keren lagi deh, coz im sure if we can start it so we have to finish it with a real cool result, so many challange, so many lack and so many problem we will face, we have to fight the best gankz, special for rian, iin, chandra and all beloved EB, realise it !!!!!!